Friday, July 6, 2012

Update #5: 2:15 PM

We have a pager that looks like one of the disks you get at a Texas Roadhouse while you wait for your table.  When that pager goes off, that means it's time to go to the receptionist desk to find out what consultation room to go into.  Once in our consultation room, we have a couple minutes to wait until Jennifer comes in.  Jennifer is the Nurse Practitioner for Dr. Fraser, and the messenger that delivers these updates from the OR (this was our 5th update).  When we go into the consultation room, we don't know what news is about to hit us.  Could be good, could be bad.  We'll be sitting on the couch in the consultation room waiting, the door will open and the first thing we look for is "Is Jennifer smiling or not?!"  She's very good at what she does.  Because she's always smiling, and before she turns around and closes the door she says "Cannon is doing fine!" 

This last update was no different.  Dr. Fraser is currently installing the baffle that will re-route the blood from the ventricles to the correct atria.  So at this point they've fixed the VSD and the CCTGA.  Once these are complete, he'll "back out" of the interior of the heart and connect the exterior conduit that will route blood over to the lungs.  Then they'll re-establish blood flow and start the heart back up.  As I write this at 3:26, his heart has been idle for almost 4 and a half hours.  After rebuilding the motor, the trick is always turning the key and letting the motor run for the first time!!

We're finding that these almost hourly updates really break the day up and make it go fast. Rather than sitting in the waiting room for 12 hours wondering what's going on, we feel we always know what's going on and only have to wait for the next update.

The OR is on the 18th floor.  Know why they put the OR so high up?  Makes our prayers to God a local call.
     - Byron Reeves

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