Friday, July 6, 2012

Update #3: 11:15 AM

Here's a strange thought: from where I'm sitting in a waiting room, about 150' away in another room my son is lying on a table with his heart stopped.  People are poking, prodding, and handling his heart.  The idea that he could come out of this alive is hard to believe.  The technology we take for granted on a daily basis is astounding... miracles happen here every day.

And Tori and I are just one set of parents going through this.  Countless parents have come before us and will come after.  In the same waiting room is a family who's 3-year-old has had 8 cath procedures and an open-heart surgery.  He's currently recovering from his latest cath procedure.  I didn't think we had it easy, but in some respects we do.  The family behind me just learned their little girl's heart's pressures are normal and her heart has shrunk down to a normal size thanks to prayer and medications.  She gets to go home today and they are praising God.  I love when he answers prayer!

At this point, Cannon has been on the heart-lung machine for about a half hour (he went on about 11).  He'll have an 18mm "Hancock Valve" installed as part of this procedure, we just received a card that describes this gizmo.  It seems to be a pig valve with some stainless steel modifications.  I don't know why we need this card, but maybe if the over-zealous guard at the airport is giving us a hard time because the machine beeps every time Cannon walks through we'll have an excuse.  We'll see....

All Cannon's vitals are looking fine.  Jennifer is Dr. Fraser's nurse practictioner... she says Cannon is doing his job well!


  1. Thanks for keeping us updated!!! The whole Ricoh Gang has Cannon and the family in our prayers and thoughts!!! FROG :)

    1. Quite happy to keep everybody in the loop! I know a lot of people are invested in Cannon's well-being, and I love that technology allows us to keep everyone in the loop on a play-by-play basis.

      Can't thank you enough for the prayers. That wall all glory goes where it belongs!!
