This morning, we came in to find Cannon had progressed right along in the past 5 hours or so. His heartrate was down to 100 and the pacemaker was off. His fever is gone, blood pressure is up where we want it. One issue is the pressures in his atria, they are both still high at 15. We want 8-10. His lactates are perfect at 1.3 and no longer an item of concern.
Of more importance last night was the breathing machine. They knocked the machine down to 12 breaths per minute (from 16), and Cannon has been going at just under 20. This means he's taking more breaths on his own. They aren't good breaths yet, but improving. Docs aren't sure yet if the tube will come out today or not. They want to take the machine from 12 down to 0 to see if Cannon will breathe on his own. They'll leave the machine on, but it will only breathe if he needs help breathing. The rate will be up to him. In addition to this, a few other things have to take place before the tube can be removed... I call these "prophecy". Until prophecy is fullfilled, there will be no removal of the tube. And as long as the tube is in, Cannon will be sedated. But as we've learned previously, that's doesn't mean he doesn't hear!
Prayer requests:
1) There's a number of tubes passing in/out of Cannon's body. Large risk of infection, please pray for protection against infection.
2) The breathing tube may come out today, appreciate your prayers for doctors' wisdom in making this call at the right time.
3) Cannon is going to be un-sedated before the tube can come out, he's going to experience a lot of pain. Please pray for his patience in dealing with the pain and discomfort. And we all know how hard it is to watch your loved ones experience pain, please pray for the family as well.
Thank you all for your prayers!
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